Thursday, July 30, 2009

Whip Man, Tamkaliks Pow Wow

The "Whip Man" takes to the arbor floor during final ceremonies of the Tamkaliks Pow Wow and Friendship Feast of 2009. This celebration, which takes place in the historic Wallowa Valley of Eastern Oregon, is the annual homecoming pow wow hosted by descendants of Chief Joseph's family and Wallowa Band (Niimipu) members of the Nez Perce Tribe. The Tamkaliks Pow Wow, the Nez Perce Tribal Fisheries instrumental involvement in building healthy Salmon populations in Wallowa County, and local land grants and park developments involving the Nez Perce Tribe all represent a long awaited homecoming as well as the dying wish of Chief Joseph for his people to return to their homeland. Until the end of his days Joseph worked and pleaded with the U.S. Government to return his people to their beloved Wallowa (Land Of Winding Waters) beneath the mountains. Now finally, they have come home.

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